Dr. Jonathan F Mather MPhys (Hons) PhD FInstP

Jonathan is a lifelong technology enthusiast who was lucky enough to spend a year in Japan learning to mass produce new technology. Going back into research, he was able to design products that people want, in a way that is easy to manufacture.

This “Dual View” display was his PhD project, it was used by Toyota, and Jaguar Land Rover (link), with glowing reviews from Top Gear.

Jonathan designed and patented the 3D display used in the Nintendo 3DS as a Principle Researcher at Sharp Laboratories of Europe.

If you need high technology, Jonathan will ensure that you get a quality design.

"[Jonathan] has a pleasant and engaging personality ... is enthusiastic about technology and raises the spirits of any team ", Dr. Allan Evans CPhys, Research Manager Sharp Labs, 2011.


Eur Ing Nicholas Phillips MBA CEng MEng (Hons) MIET
  Nick has over 20 years of leadership experience, specialising in manufacturing excellence.  With a Master of Engineering Degree in Cybernetics from Reading University and a scholarship MBA from the world-renowned Cranfield School of Management, Nick will ensure that our production processes deliver high quality, robust solutions for your applications.



Oxford, England.
Tel: +44 (0) 7761665276